This year, in this as in many other things, it is totally atypical for reasons that we all know. And that is why the most popular parties that young and old love have been diminished and restricted… as there is no other alternative!

But this is not why we are going to stop commemorating and feeling them. Thus, our tribute goes today for October 12: National Holiday of Spain, Fiesta de la Hispanidad and Fiesta de la Raza, it depends on the region of the world in which you are.

It commemorates the day that Christopher Columbus landed on Guananí Island, along with his men, in the Bahamas and discovered America. This was the connection between the known world until then and the new world.

In 1892, for the fourth centenary of the discovery, and under the regency of María Cristina, it was proposed by royal decree to make this date coincide with the celebration of the National Holiday.

This holiday was also known as “Columbus Day”, but in 1931 Ramiro de Maeztu wrote in the Spanish Action magazine that “October 12, misnamed Columbus Day, should henceforth be Hispanic Day “.

It was in 1958 when the national holiday of Spain was declared on October 12 as Hispanic Day.

Since 1987, it has been called a National Holiday and no mention is made of Hispanity. It is reflected in the law 18/1987 according to which this festival symbolizes “the historical anniversary in which Spain, about to conclude a process of State construction based on our cultural and political plurality, and the integration of the Kingdoms of Spain in the same monarchy, a period of linguistic and cultural projection begins beyond European limits “.

In 2014, the United Nations, UN, also decided that October 12 would be the day to commemorate “the Spanish language”, as one more element of union and consolidation of the Hispanic world.

Other years, the military parade was placed in a predominant location in Madrid, but this year, the Ministry of Defense has decided to cancel the celebration of the traditional October 12 parade in Madrid as a result of the coronavirus crisis and instead plans to hold a much simpler and less crowded act in the Plaza de la Armería of the Royal Palace.

Instead, the Ministry is working to organize an event in the Plaza de la Armería del Palacio Real, also chaired by King Felipe VI but avoiding crowds, both of members of the Armed Forces and of citizens who traditionally came to see the parade.

The forecast is that a representation of various units and armies of the Armed Forces will participate in this act and could also count on the presence of the Eagle Patrol, the acrobatic patrol of the Air Force.

So we will have it in front of us, but without being able to attend in person. But if you dare to take a walk to see the “atmosphere” from outside, our doors are open for that aperitif in the meantime. 😉

Happy national holiday!